A three kilometer no fishing exclusion zone protects all the reefs and fish species surround the island and all fishing is done on a catch-and-release basis around Vamizi Island. But the island does support the local community’s fishing needs - which has been their way of life for generations.
If you are looking for a holiday to Mozambique that is centered around sea turtles then this is the perfect match. At &Beyond Vamizi you have a good chance of witnessing the massive females coming up at night to lay their eggs on the pristine white beaches of the Quirimba Archipelago. Its a spectacle that you will remember forever. And then the carefully protected nests are monitored and when the hatchlings emerge you can watch them disappear into the deep blue from the beach. There is a very well structured and established sea turtle conservation and monitoring program on the island. Go and see for yourself, and learn all about these amazing creatures from the research center and guides.
There are five species that nest in the region and there is an almost 100% certainty you will see at least 2 or 3 of these on your scuba dives around the island and nearby Metundo Canyon.
Take part in conserving the sea
If you book a dive holiday at Vamizi, expect world class reefs that are in pristine condition.
The conservation team is dedicated and accessible for you to find out more on their work and projects. Vamizi shareholders remain committed to local empowerment and this resulted in the employment of eight full time rangers and a marine biologist to look after Vamizi’s Green and Hawksbill Turtles, listed as endangered or critically endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is part of the partnership with WWF in recognition of the importance of the region of marine conservation in East Africa.
Can you believe that the unbleached coral reefs Barbour more than 180 species of coral and more than 400 species of fish? That is more than half the species in Mozambique! And it is thought that fish nurseries in the mangrove forests and the rich sea grass covering the sea bed off Vamizi Island are some of the most important breeding grounds for the rest of the Mozambique ocean!
Complex food chains
Vamizi is ideally situated in specific sea currents which contain huge reserves of minute plankton, a major food source for most species living within this complex coral reef system. Divers should be looking out for huge groups of Giant Potato Cod, Grey Reef Sharks, Snapper, Batfish, Turtles, Barracuda and more. Dive sites such as Neptune’s Arm, Fraggle Rock and Skunk Alley suit both beginners and experienced divers.
The best diving and visibility are in the months of September to November when the sea is calmer, the ocean currents are not as strong and the water temperature is a pleasant 26 to 28 ºC. Some incredible whale watching in Mozambique can be expected here. From August to November take a boat trip and see the Humbacks and Southern Rights breaching in incredible displays of power.
Vamizi Private Island in the Quirimbas Archipelago is one big conservation project supported by a team of idealists who want their dream to come true and who want tourism to work to conserve the planet.